Daily scrum
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Understanding the purpose of Daily Scrum

As a Scrum Master, I have noticed that Scrum is becoming more and more democratic, which, in my opinion, is a good thing. Companies are realizing that what worked 40 years ago is no longer applicable in today’s world and that a change is necessary. These new implementations of Scrum …

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Les lectures marquantes de 2020 par l’équipe de conseillers Pyxis

Découvrez les coups de cœur littéraires de nos conseillers Agiles pour demeurer inspiré dans un univers des plus volatiles et rempli d’incertitudes en tout genre. Nous terminons une année certainement des plus rocambolesques, remplie d’incertitudes, de grandes émotions et de peurs avec en toile de fond non seulement la pandémie …

AgileAgile transformationBillet vedetteChange managementCoachingDéveloppement personnelFeature postLeadership (EN)Management and leadershipOrganizational Transformation

Part 4 – The Human Aspects and the Interpersonal Challenges of Transformation

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to go in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein If you have been involved in projects that affect humans, you will not be surprised to know that the human …

Les discussions de Oddes
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Les trois compétences clés (prise de perspectives)

Aujourd’hui, le mot complexité, on en entend de plus en plus parler. Eric Séguier nous explique un outil qu’il utilise dans ses formations et chez ses clients qui s’appelle les trois compétences clés, outil tiré du livre Action Inquiry de Bill Torbert. Adresser la complexité en utilisant une diversité de perspectives. Aller …

Amélioration continueBien-êtreBillet vedetteChange managementCoachingÉquipesFeature postLeadership (EN)Management and leadership

Psychological Safety in Times of Crisis

Psychological safety is the foundation, basis, and secret ingredient for creating thriving, innovative, learning-oriented, and above all resilient organizations. In the age of the knowledge economy, it remains crucial to create environments in which our employees and teams can unleash their full potential to foster the necessary creativity and build …

AgileAgile transformationBillet vedetteChange managementCulture and collaborationFeature postLeadership (EN)Management and leadershipOrganizational Transformation

Part 3 – Developing an Effective Transformation Strategy

  “A goal without a plan is simply a dream.” – Douglas Murray McGregor This article is the third in a series of 4 articles aimed at executives who are not entirely satisfied with the performance of their organization and who wish to significantly transform the way their operations function …

Billet vedetteChange managementFeature postTools

Finding peace (AGAIN) in the heart of the storm

or HOW TO OVERCOME THE COGNITIVE BIAS OF NEGATIVITY It is rare to face turmoil that affect us, but also the whole planet. The events that currently overwhelm us affect not only our microcosms, our private spheres, but also almost all spheres of human activity on earth. It may seem difficult …

Billet vedetteChange managementCulture and collaborationFeature postOrganizational transition

The Culture of Software DevOps

A successful organizational transformation requires a culture that breaks down traditional silos separating the organization’s various teams. In the case of DevOps, we are looking to bring closer together, or even to merge, the teams responsible for development and for operations. The basic idea is fairly simple: it’s about encouraging …

Agile Know-How MagazineBillet vedetteCulture and collaborationFeature postKanban(en)Product delivery

Kanban: An alternative approach to Business Agility

I’ve been working with Agile approaches for nearly 20 years now, and I only learned about Kanban in 2015, when I joined Pyxis. I was immediately curious about this “new form” of Agility, and as an Agile Coach, I decided to learn more about Kanban to expand my toolbox. After …