You wish to start a new Agile project but you would first like to know your level of Agility to assess the risks it involves. Conducting an Agile diagnostic is certainly the first step.

Dive in Agility

Whether to regularize deliveries, increase commitment, improve the quality delivered by teams or to break down silos or else to ensure the support team fist handles the requests with the highest value for the client, there are numerous reasons why organizations decide to turn to Agility.

But where should we start knowing that there are many aspects which may impact your Agile transition or transformation, such as the corporate structure, the processes in place, the clarity of objectives or the understanding of Agility?

That being said, it is important to know if the Agile transition is intended for one or several teams or if it is for the entire organization. If you wish your development teams to be Agile, what will be the impact on the other teams within the company? I could go on like this for a long time, but I think you get it; there are many questions to ask ourselves when shifting to Agility.

With the observations of an Agile coach and appropriate tools, an Agile diagnostic allows to answer these questions, thus facilitating the implementation of Agility wherever you want in the organization.

The first step of an Agile transition

The Agile diagnostic is often the first step of an Agile coaching. It allows the Agile coach to have a good understanding of the current situation. Therefore, the teams and organization can rapidly focus on high-value improvements.

Comprising surveys, observations, as well as individual and team interviews, the Agile diagnostic highlights the favourable conditions for your teams and organization to transition to Agility. And it also highlights the issues and challenges to monitor, so the Agile transformation can be as smooth as possible.

The Agile diagnostic allows the Agile coach to develop a strategy and to recommend a continuous improvement structure while ensuring the common understanding of Agile approaches throughout the organization.


There is a tool that allows to know not only your Agility maturity level, but also your Agile progress while highlighting the major aspects to address (bottlenecks), which will contribute the most to your growth, I’m talking about the MID radar. It covers four quadrants: client satisfaction, team’s people-oriented skills, management’s support, and team’s know-how. The MID radar provides you with a complete picture of your Agility level.

Learn more

If you need more information on the matter or if you want to know if your organization has what it takes to shift to Agility (whether or not you are asking yourselves the right questions), I suggest that you read the following articles:

The Scrum Alliance also offers interesting information.

If you don’t know where to start or if you wish to know your current Agility level, an Agile diagnostic is the answer… Not only will it highlight your blind spots, but it will also let you know if your Agile objectives are aligned with your needs while allowing you to track your Agile progress.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you need more information. We’d be more than happy to help you and see how we can guide you while respecting your objectives and specific needs.

Jean-Sébastien Sladecek

During his career, Jean-Sébastien has played many roles, including that of developer, software architecture consultant, and project manager. His experience acquired over the years allows him to always be in control throughout the process of implementing IT systems. Working since 1997 in systems development and consulting services, he has been using Agile approaches since 2006 and is a certified Professional Scrum Master (PSM I).

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