Les lectures marquantes de 2020 par l’équipe de conseillers Pyxis
Découvrez les coups de cœur littéraires de nos conseillers Agiles pour demeurer inspiré dans un univers des plus volatiles et rempli d’incertitudes en tout genre. Nous terminons une année certainement des plus rocambolesques, remplie d’incertitudes, de grandes émotions et de peurs avec en toile de fond non seulement la pandémie …

Management, Psychological Safety and Sustainable Change
Any transformation, whether organizational or individual, requires a transition, a mandatory passage, sometimes accompanied by suffering and psychological distress. But do we have to go through some form of distress or suffering before we dare to create real change? What role does suffering play in this process and is it …

Psychological Safety in Times of Crisis
Psychological safety is the foundation, basis, and secret ingredient for creating thriving, innovative, learning-oriented, and above all resilient organizations. In the age of the knowledge economy, it remains crucial to create environments in which our employees and teams can unleash their full potential to foster the necessary creativity and build …