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Les lectures marquantes de 2020 par l’équipe de conseillers Pyxis

Découvrez les coups de cœur littéraires de nos conseillers Agiles pour demeurer inspiré dans un univers des plus volatiles et rempli d’incertitudes en tout genre. Nous terminons une année certainement des plus rocambolesques, remplie d’incertitudes, de grandes émotions et de peurs avec en toile de fond non seulement la pandémie …

Les discussions de Oddes
Agile CoachingAgile transformationAgile transitionBillet vedetteCoachingPodcastPodcast

Les trois compétences clés (prise de perspectives)

Aujourd’hui, le mot complexité, on en entend de plus en plus parler. Eric Séguier nous explique un outil qu’il utilise dans ses formations et chez ses clients qui s’appelle les trois compétences clés, outil tiré du livre Action Inquiry de Bill Torbert. Adresser la complexité en utilisant une diversité de perspectives. Aller …

Amélioration continueBien-êtreBillet vedetteChange managementCoachingÉquipesFeature postLeadership (EN)Management and leadership

Psychological Safety in Times of Crisis

Psychological safety is the foundation, basis, and secret ingredient for creating thriving, innovative, learning-oriented, and above all resilient organizations. In the age of the knowledge economy, it remains crucial to create environments in which our employees and teams can unleash their full potential to foster the necessary creativity and build …

AgileAgileAmélioration continueÉquipesFeature postProduct deliveryScrum

The importance of the Definition of Done

The Comment Recently, I was part of a retrospective with a team that is mature in terms of self-organization and collaboration. However, as I approached the topic of the Definition of Done, one of the participants slipped this sentence: “If we follow our “Definition of Done” to the letter . …

AgileAgileAgile transformationAgile transitionAmélioration continueAuto-organisationChange managementCulture and collaborationFeature postManagement and leadershipOrganizational transitionSpecial edition

Performing in an Uncertain World: 5 Essential Keys for Organizations

Mission, values and meaning Professional environments are more and more characterized by uncertainty and the unexpected. If I have understood the work of business managers correctly, their job is just about the simplest in the world because we only ask one thing of them: to guarantee results. The only problem is …

Amélioration continueChange managementCulture and collaborationÉquipesLeadership (EN)

Is there really someone to blame?

One of the biggest issues faced by organizations in creating a culture of continuous improvement is the underlying need to always have someone to blame and the way that this need figures prominently in the day-to-day language of its teams. This often fuels adversarial relationships rather than the true collaboration …