Agile family
As part of our confinement due to COVID-19, I am keen to share with you some practices to help you in your daily family management. Let’s not hide it; the weeks ahead will be complicated. In this post, I suggest an approach to Agility that you can apply at home, …

Finding peace (AGAIN) in the heart of the storm
or HOW TO OVERCOME THE COGNITIVE BIAS OF NEGATIVITY It is rare to face turmoil that affect us, but also the whole planet. The events that currently overwhelm us affect not only our microcosms, our private spheres, but also almost all spheres of human activity on earth. It may seem difficult …

Product Backlog Items Life Cycle
Recently, someone asked our community what the life cycle of a user story is and how it differs from that of Epics, Features and Themes. I want to share my reflection on the subject. The first question that popped in my mind was: “Are Product Backlog Items (PBIs) created equal?” …

The pitfalls of Agile approaches
Although they can sometimes seem simple to implement, it’s not always so easy to take advantage of Agile methods. So here’s a list of common mistakes to avoid in order to ease your transition. Putting the Agile Manifesto aside The Agile Manifesto contains the essence of Agility in terms of …

An Agile enterprise? Okay, but what is it?
What are we talking about when we talk about an agile enterprise? Some elements of definition are needed to better understand the state of mind and the different solutions brought by Agility. What’s the definition of an agile enterprise? Before answering this question, it’s important to share a common vision …

Top 3 Impediments to Product Agility
Agile transformations are often initiated by production teams that believe Agility will empower them to deliver better products in a shorter time. Organizations speak of “faster time to market” and “higher quality.” They look at the cost and green-light the proposed transformation. Reality is that often these teams successfully decrease …

The Culture of Software DevOps
A successful organizational transformation requires a culture that breaks down traditional silos separating the organization’s various teams. In the case of DevOps, we are looking to bring closer together, or even to merge, the teams responsible for development and for operations. The basic idea is fairly simple: it’s about encouraging …

The Project Manager is dead; long live the Project Manager!
Agile approaches generally do not talk about Project Managers, though it’s a role found in many organizations that use these approaches. I am certain that they are not there merely as figureheads! I would like us to take the time to reflect on the Project Manager’s place within an Agile …

Is the Project Manager still necessary in a Scrum Team?
When the Scrum framework is introduced within an organization or a team, I often notice a lack of understanding regarding the Project Managers’ role. What do they become in an Agile organization? Do they still have a place? Over a few weeks, several people have asked me these questions. During …

Performing in an Uncertain World: 5 Essential Keys for Organizations
Mission, values and meaning Professional environments are more and more characterized by uncertainty and the unexpected. If I have understood the work of business managers correctly, their job is just about the simplest in the world because we only ask one thing of them: to guarantee results. The only problem is …