Scrummastering: 3 ways to create room for team improvement
Something I have learned over the years that I have been practicing Agile, is the importance of installing/building a continuous improvement mindset. People and organizations willing to try new things learn by experimenting and take actions to improve. Why even consider it, and under which circumstances? Today’s world is faster …

Storming stories: stakeholders and feedback
Once upon a time, Sara, a #LetUsBe team stakeholder and Bob the members manager, went to participate to the #LetUsBe Agile-Scrum team’s sprint review ceremony. Shana, the #ScrumMaster of the #LetUsBe team, started the ceremony by providing participants with some guidance about the meeting: The sprint review is there to …

7 secrets about keeping habits
At the beginning of 2018, I said to myself: “What if I tried to write something new (for the blog or for my second workbook) every other week? To help myself do it, I set up a reminder in my digital calendar that sends me an email alert every other …

Storming Agile Teams: Building a Path of T.R.U.S.T
Three weeks ago, I have shared with you the first section of the Storming Agile Teams workbook called “Our Role & Multi-dimensional Storming Challenge”. In today’s article, you will read about the main techniques that I use to help groups wanting to become Agile teams to build a successful path …

Storming Agile Teams: Our Challenges & Our Role
Recently, I shared with you part of the “Storming Agile Teams” workbook introduction. Today, you are about to read about the challenges that I have faced and what I think should be our role during this phase of the team’s development journey. Our Role As Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches, …

Stories of Agility in IT Operations
This article was initialy published on jesusmendez.ca 2017 has been a year fully dedicated to working with teams within IT operations departments. Nothing new to me, considering that my first steps as an IT professional were with an Application Support Group at cantv.net’s Network Operation Centre (NOC) in Caracas, Venezuela. Back …

Storming Agile Teams : Introduction
You are about to read my first post about the second workbook of the “Agile Teams from Forming to Perfoming” series titled “Storming Agile Teams“. How did we get here? In the Final Thoughts section of my first worbook “Forming Agile Teams“, I have invited the reader to continue iterating …

Connecting teams and strategic planning in Agile organizations
This article was initialy published on jesusmendez.ca For the past four months, I have been working within an IT Operations division in one of Montréal’s financial institutions, particularly with people working to support production environments for the rest of the organization’s IT services. It has been a challenging and interesting experience …

5 personal challenges when building Agile organizations
This article was initialy published on jesusmendez.ca #5. Be the coach and fight back old habits My ego feels great when I am invited to join crucial conversations at every level (strategic, tactic or operational), given my privileged position when starting continuous improvement transformations. The thing is, it doesn’t matter how …

Recognizing a group/team in the Storming phase
This article was initialy published on jesusmendez.ca You are about to read the third article of the second workbook of the “Agile Teams from Forming to Performing series” titled “Storming Agile Teams“, which contains the first tool that I would propose you to use, to help with identifying a group/team …