Why Scrum?
First, we’d like to say that the purpose of this post is not to convince you to use Scrum, let alone have you buy it. In order to be convinced, one has to try it. David and I had an interesting discussion about it, and we believe that the topic …

Doing Agile VS. Being Agile
Agile This buzzword is being used more than ever before. Everywhere we find advertising slogans advocating for more Agile ways of doing things. (I’ve recently found out that even my bank is Agile!) Organizations understood that, to survive in today’s world, they must be Agile, they must be able to …

Room for error
Human beings are fascinating; they are sometimes unable to be aware of the reality in which they evolve and to adapt accordingly. It is, in fact, paradoxical that they had the capacity to create an immensely complex world, but not to be aware of that complexity and adapt to it. …

Expertise and professionalism are on the same boat…
I will certainly not teach you that nowadays we are facing challenges that are increasingly complex… The need for specialized knowledge and skills in both professional and technical fields is critical for numerous organizations, and issues depend on everyone’s capacities. Therefore, the organizations’ requirements towards their employees are cumbersome and, …

Installing an information… radiator!
Even though Scrum Masters or facilitators must be versatile, don’t worry, they do not need any plumbing and heating skills. Though… Nowadays, despite sometimes mocking considerations regarding those who agitate the organization by “decorating” walls with a slew of post-its, the need for clear, relevant, yet accessible information is essential. …

Allergic to change? It is possible and treatable!
You resist, he or she resists, they resist… During any Agile transition to an Agile approach, the verb ‘to resist’ is commonly being used and often conjugate in the present tense. Over time, the famous notion of “resistance to change” appeared. It is known by all managers and consultants in …

Velocity, a measure that is useful!
In my previous post entitled “Velocity, a measure that is false!”, we’ve covered bad ways of using the notion of velocity. Here’s an excerpt: In Scrum, **velocity** is the number of story points “done” during a sprint (and “done” depends on the definition formulated by the team). It is an indicator …

Velocity, a measure that is false!
After 9 months acting as Scrum Master in his team, my client tells me: “I don’t see any improvement in my team. Our average velocity has not changed for several months. What are you going to do?” My answer: “Nothing!” His remark allowed us to have a conversation about velocity. What …