The right time (tempo giusto)
While reading Slow Business by Pierre Moniz-Barreto, I was very interested in the concept of rhythm, cadence, which I often use with my clients. On page 53 of the book, it says: “Rhythm is everywhere and in everything: in every activity, a rhythm is established and repeated, and this is …

The growing pains of self-organization
Is your organization moving toward a less bureaucratic structure? Is it also looking to remove traditional hierarchical decision-making? Congratulations! Many organizations are undertaking this journey to tackle the growing complexity of the modern workplace. In the context of the world we live in, companies must evolve in this direction to …

Agile leadership is the key to self-organization
Team self-organization is a powerful force that can foster innovation and motivate team members to do great things. The idea is simple: let the people closest to the customer, those with the greatest insight into customer needs, make the decisions about what they deliver and how they deliver it. Yet …

How Self-Organization Happens … and why you can trust it
Values drive all organizational life If you pay attention throughout the day, you will see that your thoughts are constantly floating on waves of shifting values. While your thoughts govern your conscious actions, the underlying values directly influence your unconscious behaviours, like shifting in your seat, checking your email, getting …

Self-Organization is not “Laissez-Faire”
Imagine the following conversation between three Agile transformation leaders at a conference panel discussion: Mr. Black: “We have decided to get rid of command and control. We will let teams self-organize so they can decide themselves how they want to be Agile. We expect great results from this hands-off management …

Three common misunderstandings of self-organized teams
This article was initialy published on Forbes.com Part of my consulting work with clients is helping them adopt Agile and Lean software development practices, which among other things means fostering and putting in place self-organizing teams. “Self-organization” can be a very loaded term, and when there is not a discussion …