Over the last five years, our partner MetaIntegral has developed a unique approach of integrated evaluation, analysis and reporting of impact. Our MetaImpact approach measures four types of transformations that occur in the context of sustainability projects and regenerative initiatives:

DEEP IMPACT: transforming the hearts and minds of those involved
CLEAR IMPACT: transforming the behaviours of the individuals involved
HIGH IMPACT: transforming the different natural and social systems involved in the effort
LARGE IMPACT: transforming Relationships Among Members of Communities Involved

Some projects tend to focus on generating or measuring only one or two of these four types of impact. We work with change leaders to generate more effect on all four types. This allows them to tell more powerful stories about the types of impacts they create.

From Single-Value Monocapitalism to Multiple-Values Multicapitalism

We measure each of these four types of impact through a combination of different types of capital (for example, the Deep Impact is measured by knowledge capital, psychological capital, and spiritual capital).

In total, we have identified ten distinct types of capital that can be measured qualitatively and quantitatively. Recognizing multiple capitals allows us to move away from the single-value monocapitalism (i.e. financial capital) that defines “business as usual” so well.

An exclusive focus on financial capital and profit creation for shareholders or lenders leads too easily to outsourcing and damaging liquidation of many, if not all, other types of capital. Over the last fifteen years, the emergence of social and cultural impacts has led to an economic revolution and expanded the notion of capital and investment to include other types of values ​​(e.g. social capital, cultural capital, natural capital and health capital).

However, these broader approaches still measure impact primarily through behavioural and systemic measures. This often overlooks or understates the richness of powerful metrics that include meaning, experience, community coherence, cultural resilience, and so on.

Now, we need to see bigger and be bold by pushing things to the next level and creating a combined value between the ten types of capital using many types of established and new metrics to transform hearts and minds, relationships and behaviours as well as systems.

The MetaImpact Model

HumanYo + Impact’s unique approach to transforming capital is visible in its MetaImpact framework. In this context, there are four types of impact as mentioned above: deep, clear, high and wide.
These types of impacts are measured using forms of integral data. This integral data can be found in ten widely recognized types of capital: health, human, manufactured, financial, natural, cultural, social, knowledge, psychological and spiritual. Together, the measured impact on these ten capitals touches four distinct outcomes: people, profits, planet, and meaning.

In short, the meta-model provides a powerful approach to measuring four types of impact that integrates ten types of capital across four distinct outcomes!

Our ability to fight more effectively against the lack of integration of newcomers by taking advantage of the value of all types of capital is part of this whole. The issue of the link between culture and newcomers affects all these capitals. That is why we need a multi-capital approach to deal with it.

The 4 Types of Impact


Clear Impact
One of the most common forms of impact is the clear impact, which measures evolution in the performance of stakeholders. Many companies and organizations include a variety of metrics to assess this impact area (e.g., skills assessments, analysis and observation tools, and various performance indicators). All of these indicators have in common the emphasis on objective criteria to monitor behaviour and performance.

High Impact

The other main impact is the high impact, which measures the evolution of stakeholders systems (supply chains, cash flow, and customer engagement, for example). Many companies and organizations include a variety of metrics for assessing this impact domain (for example, environmental impact assessments, financial impact assessments, input indicators, and various key performance indicators). All of these indicators have in common the emphasis on inter-objectives or systemic criteria to monitor the dynamics of the organization and the market.

Wide Impact

Over the last decade, it has become commonplace for organizations to include Wide Impact, which measures changes in relationships between stakeholders. With the forms of network analysis and social mapping, different parameters have been developed to evaluate this area of impact (e.g., 360° assessments, relationship mapping, interviews, and social impact assessments). All these indicators have in common to emphasize inter-subjective criteria for monitoring the quality and quantity of relationships and their influence.

Deep Impact

The deep impact is without doubt one of the most important forms of impact. It measures the evolution of the stakeholders’ experience. Many companies and organizations are increasingly aware of the need to include this form of impact. Various parameters are used to evaluate this area of impact (for example, self-assessments, psychometrics, satisfaction surveys and happiness inventories). All these parameters have in common to emphasize subjective criteria to follow the somatic, emotional and psychological dimensions of the experience.

Ghani Kolli

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