Coding know-how

Vancouver will discover CQRS, Event Sourcing, and Big Data

Next week, from December 2 to December 4, our colleague, Eric De Carufel, will be at DevTeach Vancouver with 3 conferences. He will be presenting his latest discoveries on Big Data, CQRS, and Event Sourcing. On Monday afternoon, Eric will introduce the first step on Big Data with Map Reduce. …

Coding know-howlogiciel en

Agile architecture: but where are the plans?

Let’s take a moment to think about the process of building a house. The first step consists of the owner communicating his needs. Based on these guidelines, plans can then be drawn to define how the construction will be conducted to obtain the desired result within the timeframe. Traditional software …

Coding know-howlogiciel en

Because there is a beginning to everything…

When I was young, personal computers were not very common, but they still managed to pique my curiosity. My uncle, who had noticed my new interest, invited me to spend a few evenings at his office to allow me to experiment with one of his machines. My mission was simple: …

Coding know-howNews

An 8th appointment as MVP!

For the 8th consecutive year, our colleague Eric De Carufel has earned the title of Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Recognized as a .NET development specialist, he has been involved since 2009 in the Microsoft community. The Microsoft MVP title is intended to highlight the involvement and commitment of community …

Coding know-howFeature postlogiciel en

Journal of an Intern

Hi, I am Marc André, intern at Pyxis; or should I say member of the team. I am presently doing an internship in the Studio of Pyxis Technologies in Laval. It has already been a month and half since I started my adventure here and what an adventure it has …

Coding know-howlogiciel en

Developing your potential with tests

Nowadays, the learning curve of any programmer goes through a certain number of steps. One of these steps is discovering tests. This discovery is generally progressive and, for many of us, somewhat upside down. Here’s the story of my personal experience with which I think some of you will relate. …

Coding know-howFeature post

Custom development, the promise of an idea that works…

Looking for a computerized solution to a problem, simple or complex, or looking to get more gains from a business process is a normal quest for any company, big or small. Most businesses identify several potential solutions but they do not necessarily answer their exact need, or sometimes several of …

Coding know-howCulture and collaborationFeature post

A different corporate culture…

I began my career as a Human Resources advisor in 2003. As the title shows, my role had always been more conventional within the businesses of different sectors where I evolved. Most of them were rather traditional in their management style and culture. This being said, I joined Studio Pyxis …

Coding know-howFeature postlogiciel en

Being a girl in a world of developers

During a third-year class in university, I received a text saying : “Hey, have you realized that you’re the only girl in the class?” The answer war no; I wasn’t seeing it any more. It had become the norm. Being the only or one of the rare girls in the group …

Coding know-howFeature postlogiciel en

Development environment : How to start your perfect project?

The project is accepted, the requirements are clear; but where to start to carry out our development? A natural reflex is to prepare everything in advance to be able to program without meeting obstacles relative to the technological environments. So it’s at this moment that the team organizes a round …